Women’s Health Awareness Month - Week Two VideO
excerpt from the video:
“Did you know that some studies have found that individuals who have more positive perceptions of their own aging lived an average of seven and a half years longer than their more pessimistic peers. 7.5 yrs longer without doing any additional hours of exercise, eating well, sleeping extra... just changing the way we THINK about aging. Imagine that.”
Research shows that people with a positive outlook on aging tend to live, on average, 7.5 years longer than those who view aging negatively. After reading the poem below, consider which parts resonate with you and where you might improve your mindset. What would you do with an additional 7.5 years of life? I’d love to hear your insights! Use the attached handout to help enhance your self-talk.
I have included an additional resource to download.
Become aware of how you may be holding yourself back with negative thoughts, beliefs, and self-talk. Start by releasing any thoughts that don't serve you and cultivate thoughts that do.
Please share your thoughts/comments with me, I’d love to hear more about you and support you along this journey.
Enjoy this very special poem below :
The Time of the Awakened Woman
-Dr. Shefali Tsabary
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she discards her old ways like tossed shoes in the garbage
When she shreds her list of “shoulds” and obligations
And when impossible expectations are burned in an incinerator
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When the approval of others once jewels now turn to pennies in her sock
When the hunt for another is now replaced by a hunt for herself
And when paternal tentacles of tradition no longer define her truth
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When her desire to fit in with the crowd dissolves
When her maniac compulsion to be perfect vaporizes
And when her obsession to be voted popular eviscerates
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she simply says “no more”
When facade, artifice, and guile leave her nauseated
And when righteousness, dogma, and superiority repulse her
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she no longer fears conflict but faces it boldly like a lioness
When she guards her authenticity as fearlessly as she guards her babies
And when she drops the role of savior knowing she can only save herself
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she no longer cowers in the shadows of her unworthiness
When she longer plays small so others can feel big
And when she swaps the role of victim for the role of co-creator
There comes a time in the life of woman
When she unabashedly and boldly occupies her ultimate sovereignty
When she finally feels ready to claim her space in the world
And when she redefines compassion as unequivocal self-love
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she finally releases her childlike dependencies on others
When she dares to rewrite a new mandate of living for herself
One that says:
I release unworthiness and fear
I divorce servility and passivity
I divest inauthenticity and enmeshment
I end the pretense of being someone I am not
And from now on I declare…
I will ascend into my highest power
I will embrace my greatest autonomy
I will celebrate my deepest worth
I will embody my fiercest courage
and manifest the most authentic me
The time is now
I am ready
To awaken into my renaissance.