My story
It’s important to me to understand each client’s individual story because my own personal health story is what originally inspired me to do this work. My first-hand experience healing myself through various stages of my life, along with my education and my athletic endeavors has given me an arsenal of tools to look at everyone through an individual lens, listen to their story, and determine the best path to making positive change.
After becoming a mother, like many active women, I had hopes of “getting my body back” as soon as possible so I could resume the athletic life I had before. It did not take long for reality to set in and understand the message that was being sold to young mothers was false advertising! You don’t go through these transformative moments in life to “go back” to the person you were before—not physically, mentally or spiritually. And you certainly can’t do it without the proper repletion and physical rehab your body deserves. Whether you are a young person going through puberty, a middle-aged individual wondering what happened to the college athlete you once were, or someone going through a traumatic event, we are meant to grow, evolve, and learn from the experiences we have and the choices we make. We cannot go back, as we are not meant to. We must go forward with new information, observation, and knowledge in order to learn and thrive. That is what I love helping people do.
In 2010, I had a series of health challenges that reminded me how interconnected the human body is and confirmed what happens if you ignore the signals the body is giving you. For me, it started with the physical injuries that I thought as an endurance athlete, I could push through, or out smart. Then came the depression that I just assumed was genetic and I was “stuck with.”
Finally came the constant fatigue, obvious GI distress and realization that I was not going to push through. At my pivot point, I was suffering from a stress fracture in my hip, a torn hamstring, a stress fracture in my foot, and arthritis in my pubic symphysis. I often had debilitating migraines and depression was ruining my marriage. Many top doctors and specialists throughout San Francisco told me I was fine and I knew I wasn’t. I kept searching for answers because I knew I was too young to feel this way. I finally came upon a functional medicine practitioner. With the help of a more holistic approach, I was diagnosed with leaky gut syndrome which meant I was not absorbing most of the nutrients I was eating. This nutrient deficiency and system wide inflammation led to hormone imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, cortisol depletion and played a huge role in the physical injuries and depression I was experiencing—the gut, brain and body are closely connected. This holistic approach validated that I was not fine and also gave me hope that I could heal. It was then that the real journey began. While the naturopathic doctors were great at helping me determine the cause of my suffering, it was up to me to fix it. Given my interest and background in studying the human body and my belief that the body is capable of healing when given the right tools, I was determined to find those tools! I became my first client. I learned it was impossible to treat just one aspect of my health and think that was going to get me better. I had to do the hard work, physically, mentally and spiritually. I am grateful for the experience as I do feel I was put here to teach others.
Being a mother, competing in ultra-endurance events, and running a business has taught me a lot about the vital role that nutrition, body alignment/mobility, and mindset shifts play in our overall well being. I have an enormous passion and heart for sharing with others all I have learned throughout the years. Everyone's an athlete to me, whether you participate in sports or just want optimal performance in life. I strive to teach individuals about their body’s needs, and I seek to optimize their nutrition to help them achieve their best performance throughout life.
I am a certified Nutrition Consultant and Pilates Instructor. I help individuals uncover the root causes of the challenges they are facing on a day-to-day basis by looking at all aspects of their life and using the key principles from the Institute of Functional Medicine. Nothing in the body works in isolation and therefore cannot be looked at in that way. I have been in the wellness industry in a variety of capacities for over 20 years, with that has come countless conferences, continuing education seminars, hundreds of clients and my own life experiences to pull from. The passion continues to instill curiosity and new learnings.
I believe, through the healing powers of food, an active lifestyle, and positive mindset, we all have the opportunity to excel. The path to wellness is a journey, it has twists and turns, ups and downs but with the right guidance, observation and support, it can lead to a fulfilling life experience. We, as humans, are always evolving and we must learn how our body speaks to us. It is my job to teach you how to read the signals and offer you the tools that will help you find success and reach your goals. Having the life you desire is possible, it’s within your reach.
kind words
"I was fortunate enough to be part of Emilee's 8-week Women’s Nutrition Group, and from the very first time I met her, I knew I’d found the keys to unlock my greatest potential as an athlete. Before working with Emilee, I thought my nutrition game was spot on. I quickly discovered that was the furthest thing from the truth. In fact, I was running on empty because I wasn’t properly nourishing my body. Emilee helped me understand that eating right isn’t just about food. It is, rather, a mindset and a way of life, where mind, body and spirit work in unison to propel us to the beautiful, energized and optimized beings we were supposed to be all along. Thank you, Emilee, for your wisdom."
-Mary, Runner, Writer, PR Professional.