As I have deepened my spirituality and meditation practice over the years, I have learned that I have control over my thoughts and actions. I have learned how to reframe old stories about myself and have learned how to “perception check” when I am triggered by uncontrolled circumstances. Learning this hasn’t been easy, and it’s actually quite the opposite! But the practice of it has changed my life, brought me more joy and deepened my relationships with others both in my personal and professional life. 

Many individuals come to me in hopes of changing their body composition or warding off menopause symptoms they are experiencing. It is certainly a large part of what I help individuals do! But my mission goes deeper. I guide them to uncover the inner narratives shaping their realities, the self-limiting beliefs hindering their progress. I help them identify the negative self-talk, all the shoulds and shouldn'ts that can interfere with their body’s ability to absorb and adapt to their nutrition and exercise regimens. 

I had a conversation with a woman just yesterday. Her goal is to gain all the tools she can to live her healthiest life into her older years, maximizing longevity. It's a beautiful goal. We discussed her nutritional strategies and her exercise habits and she made some changes. She was feeling better, having more energy and way less cravings. Wonderful. But when I asked about her ideal internal feeling, she paused—and cried. She desires to feel settled, calm and joyful. She experiences a lot of anxiety and feelings of wanting to “do everything right.”  A constant stress runs in the background of her life. THIS drains your energy and increases cortisol and, therefore, leads to fat around the middle. By the end of our conversation, she saw how these old stories she had been telling herself, the identity she had created, could be changed and with that, so could her overall internal state and external body.

The body keeps score. Your physical body manifests physical symptoms of unresolved mental and emotional conflicts. I have learned this the hard way over the years, as I am sure many of you have. My hip issues, unresolved family pain, gut issues, future worries of “not making it.” The list goes on.

Reflect on your own narrative. What stories have you been telling yourself over the years? Remember, you are the hero of your journey. Reclaim your power, rewrite your story, and unlock your potential for true well-being.


Bekah Vandenberg refers to herself as a consciousness coach. She makes beautiful recordings that I often listen to in the quiet of my sauna, one of my favorite rituals! She has one that is my go-to when I need to be reminded that I am in control! Not of everything in the world, but of the way I show up in it.

Here is a sample of her words but if you would like to experience the impactful sound of her voice and trance music, click here.  

“Humans love stories, telling stories, writing stories, watching stories. We love our villains and we love our heroes. The ongoing perceptional dance between light and dark. Constantly generating stories by what we filter via our senses. If you were to write and live your own story and be your own hero because you are and you can, what movie would you create? How would you, your hero, show up in challenging times? What traits and qualities does your hero embody?

Take a few moments to experience your hero. What are the physical characteristics of your hero? How do they stand, breathe, move, dance? Notice their effortless grace, their agility. What animal traits does your heroic self portray? Notice what animal comes in. Now make a movie. Construct a scene where your heroic self, which is you, steps in powerfully and anonymously. Sense their natural courage and poise. Maybe part of your hero’s day includes looking for ways to assist others. Reflecting back to every person they make contact with, reflecting back that person’s own light, own power, own strength, own courage. Because the true hero makes everyone else a hero by what they mirror in the tiny, unseen, unsung, invisible moments. You are the person you have been waiting for all your life. You are the leader, the changemaker, the pathfinder. Your time is now.”


