Lessons from a Week Unplugged
My recent getaway at a healing retreat center was the first time I've truly been "unplugged" for a week, probably since the introduction of the iPhone 16 years ago. We surrendered our phones and computers for the entire 7-day stay and immersed ourselves in silence for extended periods, which initially felt daunting. No exercise, no reading, no music or podcasts—simply no distractions. It was just me and my thoughts.
Being unplugged forced me to sit with myself, confront the thoughts that bubbled to the surface, and give time to the painful experiences of yesteryears. My values became crystal clear, and creativity started to shine through. I found myself writing letters, making decisions, and delving into compassionate self-forgiveness. Letting go of the past became easier, paving the way for newfound freedom, love, energy, and excitement for a life yet to be lived.
For me, the silence held immense value. Disconnecting from devices made me realize the need to incorporate more unplugged time into my future. I'm determined to reshape my habits and keep my life clear and balanced. Just today, I had a conversation with a client. She mentioned not having "time" to meditate. I asked her to open the screen time information in settings—3.5 hours a day on text and social media. She has time to meditate!
Another aspect I particularly enjoyed was the anonymity. We went by childhood names and were asked not to talk about work. Without roles or labels, conversations took on a deeper meaning. No more asking about work as a default conversation starter—it was about seeing everyone as equals, each person a soul, not defined by their job title. How often do people compare themselves to others and immediately feel better or worse about themselves based on someone else’s job title?!
We were extremely lucky to have been fed very well, and it confirmed for me that eating three balanced meals a day left me feeling constantly satiated. I was energized and able to keep attention and focus on 90-minute visualizations! And walking... oh, the healing power of walking! Slowing down and immersing myself in nature brought a sense of peace and rejuvenation like nothing else.
Overall, this experience has reshaped my perspective and left me with a profound appreciation for simplicity and connection. I'm determined to carry these lessons forward as I continue on my journey of growth and self-discovery.
Create time/space in your day/week/month to be “unplugged”. Ideas include:
Go for your next run or workout session without your phone, music or podcast.
Designate time in the week in which phones are set aside for a few hours such as Sundays from 2-8 pm and enjoy family, outdoors, or hobbies without distractions.
Have a basket that guests put phones in when they come over for the next dinner party, happy hour or gathering to promote conversation without distractions.
Utilize apps such as One Sec to have you take a breath before continuing with a social media app. I LOVE this and have benefited greatly from it in just a few short days.
Greet people kindly and save the “what do you do” for a later conversation.
Go for walks when your only purpose is to notice things in nature, Cal Newport refers to these as “Thoreau Walks”.
What are other small ways can you unplug?